Join Us for Earth-Honoring Faith

THIS Sunday, June 24, begins a special summer sermon series called "Earth - Honoring Faith." How does our relationship to God - the Creator - affect the way we live on the earth? What if we lived truly connected to God's Creation? God created all things and called them "good." Throughout the series, we will look at the ways we live with the community of earth in a way that deepens our reverence for all of life. How does living in reverence for all of life inform our actions for justice and the ways we care for the earth?

To help create our earth honoring sanctuary space, please bring something that represents the earth - plants, flowers (potted please), branches, pine cones, moss, rocks - whatever you can find. This is our opportunity to co-create a garden. There will be a special time during the service where we will ask people to come and place their items in front of the communion table. Over the next weeks, we will continue to add elements to our garden. Your participation in the creation process and helping us remember all of the beauty of the earth is greatly appreciated.