Christian Identity New Worship Series

Join us as we begin a 6-week worship series on Brian McLaren's book, "Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?: Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World." This series helps to answer the questions, Can you be a committed Christian without having to condemn or convert people of other faiths? Is it possible to affirm other religious traditions without watering down your own? How can we stand in solidarity with "the other" as Jesus did and cultivate empathy and humility?

To help us focus on peace, our visuals will include peace cranes. The peace cranes you see were made by Darren Damonte's art students in Japan who created them as a gift to Los Altos United Methodist Church - LAUMC (Cathy Thoma's sister's church.) They are on loan from LAUMC to further peace and good will around our country and the world. 

Click here to watch the story of the peace cranes: Beginning this Sunday and every Sunday throughout the series, you'll have the opportunity to make peace cranes to add to the communion table during the song after the sermon. Packets with paper and instructions will be available in the narthex before service.

Here's a YouTube video that will show you how to make the cranes: Here are the instructions for those that prefer written instructions:

Questions? Contact Beth Astarte at