Filtering by: Just As He Told You

Be One in the Spirit: How to Work Together
10:00 AM10:00

Be One in the Spirit: How to Work Together

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Be One in the Spirit: How to Work Together

Our series closes on this Pentecost Sunday with one last instruction–be one in the Spirit. The saga of the early church mirrors the church of today: we find it hard sometimes to hold onto our faith and know what to do in an ever-changing world. But there is Good News! The Spirit fills each of us with different gifts for being the church. And together we can make a difference… just as Jesus told us we could!

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Live, Now and Forever: How to Make a Bucket List
10:00 AM10:00

Live, Now and Forever: How to Make a Bucket List

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Live, Now and Forever: How to Make a Bucket List

The resurrection from the dead was a long-standing and controversial issue among the Jews, even while Jesus was living. Jesus instructions to the Jewish rule-keepers of his day was to remember that God has always been the God of the living and life with God is everlasting. Letters to the early church acted as reminders of those instructions–of the promises of Christ that outlive his earthly life. We are to live as if death, the last enemy, has been conquered. Have no fear! Live fully–now and forever.

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Love, the Main Thing: How to Show Someone You Love Them
10:00 AM10:00

Love, the Main Thing: How to Show Someone You Love Them

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Love, the Main Thing: How to Show Someone You Love Them

In the letter to the fledgling Corinthian church, Paul offers a laundry-list of what love looks like. We can almost imagine that he is writing in response to some un-loving behavior that is going on (in the church, you say??) When it came down to it, Jesus said that the litmus test for faithfulness to a loving God, is love. Bottom line. Have a question about what you should do in any given situation? Ask where your actions stand on the love meter.

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Finding Common Ground
10:00 AM10:00

Finding Common Ground

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Finding Common Ground

It seems that competition and the need to be right or better lives in our human genes. Even in the presence of Jesus, the disciples would argue over who was the best and who was the favorite. Jesus’ explicit instructions were to resist our tendencies to put ourselves first. To be “great” is to have a servant’s heart toward our fellow sisters and brothers. The early church was fraught with divisions (sound familiar?) How is the Kin-dom of God diminished when our purpose is thwarted by attention to being better-than or “right” at all costs?

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Touch, Heal: How to Heal a Broken Relationship
10:00 AM10:00

Touch, Heal: How to Heal a Broken Relationship

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Touch, Heal: How to Heal a Broken Relationship

The story of Jesus’ ministry is filled with people wanting to get close to him–especially those who needed healing. After he was gone, that power to heal was passed to his disciples. We hear of one such story this week where Peter reached out to help a man leave the shackles of his illness and not only walk, but leap and praise! As we endeavor to be closer to Jesus, growing as his disciples, we are invited to reach out and touch the pain of the world. How are we called to be agents of healing in our relationships, both personal and communal?

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Stay, Witness: How to Wait for Inspiration
10:00 AM10:00

Stay, Witness: How to Wait for Inspiration

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Stay, Witness: How to Wait for Inspiration

Jesus sent his disciples on a “trial run” of sorts while he was alive. He gave them the power to witness, anoint and heal and sent them out with only the promise that they would be cared for. Now he has died, risen and been taken up to heaven–leaving them to carry out his ministry. They’ve been through a lot and must feel a bit powerless without him. But the instructions are clear. They will be his witness and the Holy Spirit will be with them. When we are feeling powerless to make change in this overwhelming world, will we proclaim the power of the Holy Spirit with us, just as he told us?

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