The Leading Causes of Life

The holiday season is one of my favorite times of the year. My spirits are lifted by familiar traditions –lights, songs, meals, and gift giving.

The timing of the holidays is perfect. Lately, the atmosphere of our world has been riddled with negativity, suspicion and fear.

This fall I have been inspired by a book, The Leading Causes of Life, by Gary Gunderson and Larry Pray. It begins with what’s obvious, but difficult to do: focus your energy and attention on what affirms life rather than what threatens or destroys it.

One of the five causes for life is “connection,” the complex web of connections to family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, fellow citizens, and even our natural world, that breathes life into us.

We are blessed to live in a community with richly diverse people.

This holiday season, I encourage you to look for opportunities to cross typical boundaries of race, class, faith tradition, ethnicity, and gender identity. Offer a smile and make eye contact. Know that the face looking back at you shares many of the joys and fears that you do. Be the gift you long to receive.

The Rev. David Randall-Bodman