Clergy and People of Faith March for Justice

On Monday, August 28th, 2017, one thousand ministers of all denominations will convene in Washington, D.C. to reaffirm their commitment to the social justice movement and stand in solidarity with the spirit and legacy of Dr. King, on the anniversary of the March for Jobs & Justice.  

In an act and action of solidarity, we are co-sponsoring an event in Portland that will bring together Clergy and People of Faith of all traditions to recommit to being at the forefront of justice and civil rights, to call into accountability President Trump, Attorney General Sessions and all public officials, and to return to its rightful place in the words of Dr. King as the "headlight" in the struggle for justice. We are calling on religious leaders from ALL religions and community leaders to join us! The event on Facebook can be found here.

Our goal is to join with Clergy and People of Faith around the country to show that we are continuing Rev. King's mission in being a headlight for justice.  We'll gather at Terry Shrunk Plaza in downtown Portland for prayer and song, then we'll march in silence, stopping at key locations, making our presence known. 

This is a time to show unity and solidarity as we call for an end to white supremacy,  by taking our faith into the public square.

What we are asking from you:

1.   Join us Monday, August 28th at 11 AM at Terry Schrunk Plaza

2.   Sign on as a Congregational/Organizational Supporter and/or as an Individual Clergy person. [send the names to Rev. Tara at]

3.   Share the Facebook Event and invite others.

4.   If you are unable to make it to Portland, organize an event where you are and we'll include it in our publicity.

This is one of those moments where making our presence known is significant. Please join us!!