Faith Leaders Call for an Immediate End to Inhumane and Unjust Policy

For Immediate Release

Contact:   Rev. Tara Wilkins
June 19, 2018

(PORTLAND, OREGON) - Members of the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ were among the 1200 who participated in yesterday’s action in Sheridan demanding that the Trump Administration end the practice of brutally dividing families seeking asylum. “As people of faith, we have a moral obligation to speak out against injustice. Our Christian tradition teaches us the importance of welcoming the stranger. The current policy of separating families is cruel and inhumane and must end,” said the Rev. Molly Carlson, Conference Minister for the Central Pacific Conference.
“I believe refugees and immigrants should not be imprisoned but should be vetted, welcomed and given true refuge. Our immigration system is broken and needs to be changed”, said Angie Aldrich, member of Bridgeport United Church of Christ. “I am participating in this vigil at Sheridan FCI because I don’t believe any human is illegal and that seeking asylum from persecution and violence is not a crime. Separating children from their parents and keeping them in cages or tents is a crime, is heartbreaking and I cannot remain silent when other humans are being hurt.”
As news reports reveal the atrocities of the Administration’s policy, people of faith and good will are speaking out. Faith leaders are particularly compelled to condemn these actions. “Our sacred texts remind us that justice is not political, it is theological. It is about our relationship with God, who claims us as one family. How can we possibly betray our kin? Our children?” said the Rev. Linda Jaramillo, incoming Moderator of the Central Pacific Conference and member of Ainsworth United Church of Christ. UCC members are planning to continue to take action until the policy is rescinded and families are treated justly.

The Central Pacific Conference is made up of 45 United Church of Christ churches in Oregon, southern Washington and southern Idaho.

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