Social Justice Forum: Oregon LNG Terminal and Pipeline

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On March 31, 2019 at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall, we will be tackling our first environmental justice topic. The Justice and Peace Ministry Team of Medford UCC is asking for support to stop the building of a proposed fracked gas pipeline and liquified natural gas (LNG) terminal that would cross the length and breadth of Southern Oregon.

* Pembina Corporation, a Canadian company, proposes to build a 3” wide natural gas pipeline from Canada and the Rockies to Coos Bay. It would add a processing terminal and shipping facility at Jordan Cove to export the LNG to Asia.

* The terminal would become the largest source of climate pollution in the state. The pipeline and terminal affect 400 waterways (including the Rogue River and 12 public drinking water sources); disturb tribal territories and burial grounds; invoke eminent domain and affect land use and rights; threaten the fishing industry, including salmon runs; and affect jobs in tourism and other sectors.

* Kate Brown and the State of Oregon can deny the Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline and the Jordan Cove LGN export terminal

* Supporters claim creation of 6000 construction jobs and an estimated $10 billion in private capital. However, environmental damages could be incalculable and are fraught with job loss and loss of revenue as well.
