Racial Justice Resources


White privilege, white fragility, intersectionality, systemic racism and Black Lives Matter are just a few of the terms we're hearing more and more of. What do they all mean? Pastor David talked in his sermon about doing something. One thing we can do is to educate ourselves about the history of racism in our country and how it is continuing today. To that end, here's a link to a resource list of books, movies, podcasts and TedTalks - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k9IJACwPFg9tG_AuvS62qXZ5bpVN7VUYUk5PBW_UuRs/edit?usp=sharing

This list will be continually updated so if you run across a good resource, please email Beth Astarte with the information. Together, we can learn and have conversations to gain understanding to be better allies and advocates for people of color and all those who are marginalized in our society.