One Great Hour of Sharing: Let Love Flow

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This year's theme for the UCC's One Great Hour of Sharing campaign is "Let Love Flow". We will be collecting a special offering for this campaign on March 21, which you can send in to the church via mail or electronically through our eGiving portal. The gifts you give to One Great Hour of Sharing support a variety of local and global partners in the areas of advocacy, sustainable development, refugee and asylum issues, and assisting those most in need and vulnerable among us. The major emphasis of the 2021 offering campaign is on safe and accessible potable water around the globe. A great example of mission work in this area is the Water Well project in Mozambique, which builds adequate infrastructure for safe drinking water in villages. Not only does this improve health and sanitation, local wells are a tremendous life improvement for the women of these villages, who can travel up to 12 hours by foot just to collect safe drinking water for their families. Please consider an offering to "Let Love Flow" this year.