Phasing Forward Update


Here is an update on Bethel's Phasing Forward plans from Mac Macpherson, chair of the Phasing Forward Task Force:

What’s happening in regard to Bethel’s return to in-person worship?
Good question! Please read on for more information about “hybrid services”, where we have both in-person and remote worship.

So, we will still be having Zoom and Facebook Live virtual services even when people can attend in the Sanctuary?
Yes. Many who now attend remotely will wish to continue to worship remotely, and early in the Phase Forward planning we committed to serving those who could not worship in person.

What will these hybrid services look like?
Safety of worshipers and staff is our top priority. Currently Washington County is rated high risk for COVID-19. That means we can safely have roughly 50 people in our Sanctuary for worship. The changes as we move forward into this will include:

  • Temperature checks

  • COVID health questions upon entering

  • Masks required

  • Social distance seating

  • Changes in how we receive offerings and communion

  • Use of our new HVAC units throughout Bethel, including the Sanctuary, that provide not only heat and AC, but also air purification

  • Extra volunteers and AV equipment needed to facilitate our worship filming

What will music be like?
Initially it will be instrumental and maybe some solos. We won’t sing hymns together yet. At some point we will be able to resume in-person choir.

How will we decide who may attend worship in person?
We’ll have a reservation system through the church office. More information will follow as we develop procedures.

What has to be done to get ready?
The biggest tasks are to purchase, install and test the new equipment that will facilitate high-quality simultaneous live and remote Zoom and Facebook worship. The Board has approved funding but there is much work to do. Training volunteers in their various roles is also important.

Will we have fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall?
Not yet. There are many safety and logistical issues we have to work out. But we will get there someday - and I, for one, can’t wait!

What can I do to help?
Volunteer! We’ll still need ushers, readers, and greeters. We especially need people to help with the Zoom and Facebook Live broadcasting.

And if you haven’t yet done so, please complete and submit the questionnaire about your vaccination status, and your comfort level with attending in-person worship. Link:

When will we start these hybrid services?
We are not yet able to set a date, but we are hopeful that at some point this summer we will be able to kick-off our new hybrid services.

How do the new CDC recommendations affect our decisions?
The Phase Forward Task Force is discussing and discerning the best way to move forward. We'll share updates as we have them.