Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Worship Service 10PM

It is not difficult to imagine this night as “reflecting the sacred.” We gather and sing and light candles and dare to believe that love truly enters the world time and again and anything is possible. What may be more difficult to understand, however, is that this love is ours, not because we’ve been “good” (as if God is Santa Claus), but simply because we are beloved–the firstborn of God. Our very being reflects the sacred. The incarnation of God in human flesh is proof.
We will gather on Christmas eve for a hybrid service of lessons, carols and candle-lighting at 10pm in the sanctuary. There will be special music from the chancel choir. We hope you’ll join us for this beautiful tradition filled with light, love and mystery.
( and  ( or by phone at 1-253-215 8782 Meeting ID: 140 844 207)  

Christmas Day Service 2022, Dec. 25th - Pre-recorded

We wanted our staff and volunteers to enjoy the Christmas day activities and traditions they value. So we have created a very special Christmas Day service, Christmas Day – Surprisingly Sacred. You can watch any time online either on YouTube, Facebook or on the website. Remember to celebrate the birth of Jesus in the midst of your holiday activities.
In the early church, Sunday was known as the “day of light.” And so it is special when Christmas falls on a Sunday, as it does in 2022. As light dawns on this morning, as the children scramble to the tree to see what has appeared, we remember that the sacred comes in the form of surprise sometimes, just as it did when light and life was known anew in the form of a baby in a humble stable. Can we dare to believe that we can know a surprising calm even in the midst of anxiety because of the in-breaking of this Prince of Peace upon our lives each and every day?

Our Christmas Day 2022 Worship service will become available on Facebook 10:00 AM Christmas Day. View, worship, and share comments with each other as usual. There will be no Zoom meeting. ( and YouTube Link: