Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday – Simple Supper and Worship – Wednesday, February 22 – 6:30pm
We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a light supper of soup and bread to launch our Lenten theme: wilderness.

Our gathering will include an activity designed to draw us into the season of Lent. There will also be the opportunity to receive ashes for those who find the ritual meaningful.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent. Lent is the season of preparation for Easter in a similar way in which Advent prepares us for Christmas.

The ancient practice of Lent was intended to prepare people for baptism on Easter. Lent invites us into a time of introspection – a time to inventory what aspects of our lives may be obstacles to following the way of Jesus. Lent is modeled after the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness as it is recorded in the 4th chapter of both Matthew and Luke’s gospel.

Jesus’ time in the wilderness reveals the reality of temptations we all face as we strive to live with love as our primary purpose. The point of Lent isn’t to deny that we ever struggle to be faithful to the way God would have us live. Rather, Lent gives us the opportunity to be transparent – real with who we are – our strengths and our weaknesses. Acknowledging the ways we may feel hindered, or broken, or bound up can serve as first steps toward freedom and wholeness.

To help with the preparation of the meal, please RSVP to if you plan to attend the service.