Beaverton High School Homeless Students Need Winter Break Meals

Beaverton High School has identified 86 students who are currently homeless. Some are doubled up with other families, and 7 are in motels or unsheltered. These homeless students depend on the meals they receive at BHS each school day, but the BHS cafeteria is closed for 15 days during Winter Break. This means they must do without the school meals they so rely on. Principal Anne Erwin believes that caring for these homeless students is a key to their HS graduation. Graduating positively changes these students’ lives forever.
What can you do?
Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ, in partnership with Holy Trinity Catholic Church and Westside Church of Christ, will be delivering 15 lunches and dinners to as many of these 86 homeless students as we can at Beaverton High School on Monday, December 18 at 10 AM. This is a massive undertaking that requires prepping over 2500 individual meals! We will need protein hearty foods, toiletries including dental care, socks and other items as well. So we need financial donations, food donations, and volunteers! 
If you are able to give financially, please click the Donate Button below. 
If you would like to donate food or volunteer, please fill out the form below and let us know how you can help. Thanks!